Thursday, June 21, 2018


My latest book with the amazing Yasmeen Ismail is out! It's gotten 2 starred reviews and high praise for use as a #STEM mentor text. Before the school year starts, a reading guide and #STEM materials will be available.

And I am having a giveaway exclusively for teachers and librarians. To win a free book, sign up here.

Giveaway closes at 12:01 AM on 6/23/18. Winners randomly selected on 6/24/18 and announced here. You will be contacted for address (in 50 US states or DC) where I can send book.

Thanks All!

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Winners of the TWO PROBLEMS FOR SOPHIA giveaway!  The have been messaged in FB to ask for an address to send to.

Another giveaway is still active for teachers and librarians. Just sign up at this link to enter!

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

My latest book with the amazing Yasmeen Ismail comes out today! And I have some author copies of the book burning a hole in my garage. So I am having a giveaway. Here are ways to enter:
> Tweet the image above with the hashtags #Sophia2, #STEM, and #EdChat. (I will be searching on #Sophia2 to find entrants so spell it right!)
> Find my tweet about the giveaway (twitter handle @jimaverbeck) and retweet
> Go to my FB page and SHARE the post on this giveaway you find there.
> Comment on the same FB post. 
> Do all of the above for more chances to win.

I will close this giveaway at midnight on 6/16/18 and pull randomly selected names on 6/17/18. I will announce winners here and contact them for address to send to. You'll need an address in the 50 United States or DC for me to mail the book to.

Thanks All!
