Lynn Hazen, Ellen Hopkins, Kristin Howell, and our host, Amy Laughlin.
There are things you need when writing a novel in Cabo. Here are some of them:
A view to ignore.
A sarong - because you don't want to waste time getting dressed
when there are chapters to revise.

Caffeine and sugar in liquid and solid form, because
proper nutrition is important to growing authors.

Adolfo the butler, to keep guacomole bowl full
and the margarita pitcher clean (for later use.)

Four motivated and talented friends to set a good example.
(clockwise from bottom left: Lynn, Hazen, Ellen Hopkins, Amy Laughlin
and Kristin Howell ignoring the view, sacrificing for their art.)
Not pictured: a vivid imagination, a knowledge of the craft,
a willingness to be critiqued,
A sarong - because you don't want to waste time getting dressed
when there are chapters to revise.
Caffeine and sugar in liquid and solid form, because
proper nutrition is important to growing authors.
Adolfo the butler, to keep guacomole bowl full
and the margarita pitcher clean (for later use.)
Four motivated and talented friends to set a good example.
(clockwise from bottom left: Lynn, Hazen, Ellen Hopkins, Amy Laughlin
and Kristin Howell ignoring the view, sacrificing for their art.)
Not pictured: a vivid imagination, a knowledge of the craft,
a willingness to be critiqued,